Update trekstor ventosas
Update trekstor ventosas

update trekstor ventosas update trekstor ventosas update trekstor ventosas

info/rockchip/rk307/ And, finally, following the Scrax/TheSSJ method!!!! Bye everybody! And thanks everybody for the help! Quote: Originally Posted by grinchio I can confirm that the Root method posted by SCRAX (thanks to him and to TheSSJ!!!!) runs perfectly!!!!īefore that I needed to: - Update/upgrade firmware using the file downloadable from /fw/surftab/ site (user: guest - pass: guest) (it seem to be necessary to allow the installation of the RK3066 chipset drivers on the pc, contained in the zip file) - install a new CWM to enable a former complete backup of the unit, using (thanks to site!): RK_Android_Tool_v1.35 + RK30 Driver (you can find them googleing.) RK30GENERIC_CWM (/rockchip/rk307/RK30GENERIC_CWM.今日は三沢航空祭でしたが、先週仙台行きあったり連日仕事の疲れが残ってたので今年はパスしようと決めたのですが、その数日後新聞に「F-35とB-1Bが来るよー」なんて載ってたが行く気は起こらず結局今年はお休み。朝も豪雨が降ってたので、あららと思っていましたがその後現地も快晴になったようでいい航空祭だったようです。F-16もかなり低空で飛んだようで、見た人はかなりよかったみたいですね。 Ex4 to mq4 decompiler software development. I can confirm that the Root method posted by SCRAX (thanks to him and to TheSSJ!!!!) runs perfectly!!!!īefore that I needed to: - Update/upgrade firmware using the file downloadable from /fw/surftab/ site (user: guest - pass: guest) (it seem to be necessary to allow the installation of the RK3066 chipset drivers on the pc, contained in the zip file) - install a new CWM to enable a former complete backup of the unit, using (thanks to site!): RK_Android_Tool_v1.35 + RK30 Driver (you can find them googleing.) RK30GENERIC_CWM (files.androtab. With terminal emulator I managed to dump the recovery partition su dd if=/dev/mtd/mtd3 of=/sdcard/recovery.img And here is what Recovery builder did to it: I'm still not sure if it will work, will post how it goes. After rooting the tablet I got rid of most of the default app and garbage put in by the vendor, after a backup with titanium. I've managed to get root on my Surftab ventos 10.1 (cause is already there) after reading the the others ventos (9.7 - 8) It's really easy: Just install from market SuperSU and it will work. And in the computer device list chose to update the driver for this USB device. Trekstor Surftab Ventos 8, 9.7 and Breeze 7. Download or update the TrekStor Volks Tablet Firmware 20131128 driver to make sure that you use all the possible functions and resources of the TrekStor device. Without a TrekStor Volks Tablet Firmware 20131128 driver, the TrekStor device will not use its full potential, or will not function correctly.

Update trekstor ventosas