does not distribute any downloads wrapped in any type of installer or download manager. What KeyLemon can do is transform your Windows login screen into something a little bit more modern and by Read more License: Freeware 32-bit 64-bit Size: 55.86 MB OS: Windows 10 8 7 Vista XP Rating: Very Good (4.0 5.0) Updated: Screenshots of KeyLemon (4) View all screenshots (4) Potential Alternatives to KeyLemon (5) Free Lock ASUS SmartLogon Facial recognition Lock and login to your PC with facial recognition software ASUS SmartLogon features and highlights: Facial learning feature Keeps track of environment Records logon attempts Provides two user interfaces Includes SmartLogon Manager and SmartLogon Console Can be enabled or disabled Selection of camera device used Can be used to turn off display Can also be used in conjunction with other security logon methods Free Webcam Luxand Blink Face recognition Login to your Windows PC with your webcam and face Shareware Webcam CyberLink YouCam Webcam capture Webcam application which can add video effects to chat sessions, face login functionality to Windows and webcam video capture Free Driver Logitech HD Webcam Software Provides functionality for hi-def webcams by Logitech Free Driver Logitech Webcam Software Logitech webcam Webcam Software for Logitech cameras 1 Something different.